A duck and a dream

I had the pleasure of watching arguably the world’s best magician David Copperfield live in Melbourne recently. The magic itself was awesome...

17 reasons you should always carry a book with you

1. As someone who used to spend a lot of time waiting for real estate clients to show up – I know that clients / appointments / people in general are often late...

Reality Television your way to Success

I think I’m one of the only “motivational speakers” (not that I call myself that) who will openly admit that I watch television. I watch bad television too… even… dare I say it… reality television.

Where is the love?!

One of my businesses, Elephant Property, works in the notoriously under appreciated category of residential property management. The old adage in property management...

The power of the word

I’m quite distraught. I was eating my personal trainer approved afternoon snack of 12 almonds (my suggestion of 12 Tim Tams: not approved)...

Thursday, February 26, 2015

I decided in 2014 that my focus was actually going to be to start to focus. I adore business - the ins and outs of it, the ups and downs - but I got a feeling in 2014 that if I wanted to really live up to the potential I think I have - I'd need to find my one thing and focus on it rather than attempting lot of things at the same time. Ever had that feeling? Like you're not doing all that you're capable of... that's been me. I am over the moon at what I have accomplished so far in my life, but I see that I've not yet really stretched myself to my limits and I've not yet had the impact I know that I can.

To that end, in late 2014 I sold my real estate agency Elephant Property and saw it merge back in with my former real estate agency Harcourts. I hope our happy Elephant clients and team members find a beautiful new home with the Harcourts Launceston team and I wish my superb business partner Megan Hampton the very best with her new and exciting role as the new state trainer for Harcourts.

In early 2015 I sold ReallySold - an online business I created to give assistance for the frustrated real estate advert writer and I wish Kristi in the US all the best with her reinvention of the service.

We are currently looking for a buyer for Baby Teresa - my passion project with the amazing Sammie Appleyard - where we sell funky organic cotton baby outfits and accessories and for each outfit we sell we donate another to a child in need.

Why the need to clear everything out? Focus. I've recently launched what I feel has the power to be the most exciting incarnation of my business career yet: Up Loans with Carrie Twine (my former Elephant Property buddy and business partner and sister soul mate).  Check us out on Facebook here.

A brand new industry for me - and really an industry in it's infancy overall - mortgage and finance broking has seen me on the steepest learning curve of my life. And I love it. Every day I'm pushed to new limits, every day I'm helping people. To open hand written cards that call me a "miracle worker" blows my mind and reconfirms for me that I'm on my path.

This is my first blog post in a long time (another thing I cleared out in 2014 to really focus on what I wanted for the future). I want to use this post to state my intention, to set my goal clearly, loudly, unashamedly and I would ask anyone reading it to keep me accountable.

I see this industry as a phenomenal space for anyone who knows how to hustle and self motivate - but especially for young women. I was told by our industry body the MFAA that on average females outperform their male broker counterparts, and yet we are still very underrepresented in this industry.

I want to create a business at Up that gives hundreds of people across Australia - especially young women the opportunity to be in business for themselves, to create not only unlimited earning potential but also an income stream that continues on via trail income whether they're working or not. Having myself taken time off from the workforce to have my children and to travel - I am so passionate about giving other people the ability to do that whilst still earning an income you wouldn't believe it!

I also want to empower those hustling, amazing, passionate people who will work with Up to be able to feel the rush Carrie and I feel in helping first home buyers secure the start of their financial future. There are very few things that equal having someone tell you that you've just given them the ability (when they'd previously been knocked back for finance) for them to buy the house that they will raise their future kids in. I want to show others how to change someone's financial fortunes by restructuring their debt to save them tens of thousands of dollars, to help them buy another investment or to more quickly pay off their current loans.

I am pumped. I am where I am meant to be. I can't wait to share my new journey with you.

Want to chat with me about getting a loan or doing a quick check to see if your current home loan setup is the right one for you? Love to - email me at my first name @uploans.com.au or if you're reading this blog post on your email, just hit reply.

Want to know more about being part of Up - be prepared for me to talk your ear off and give me a buzz today.

Want wish me well? Yes! Please do - this is exciting and scary and I would so welcome your well wishes - twitterfacebook or email me (my first name @uploans.com.au).

PS - part of being a mortgage broker means listing all sort of exciting information when I post now like the fact that I am a credit representative (CR No. 465864) of BLSSA Pty Ltd (Australian Credit License No. 391237) - exciting right!

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