Hi and thanks for taking 5 minutes from your day to read below, Some of you would know that for the last few years I've been growing my hair in order to get it long enough (35cm) to donate to the Princess Charlotte Alopecia Foundation's Tresses for Princesses (http://www.princesscharlottealopecia.com/TressesforPrincesses.aspx).
Alopecia is an autoimmune disorder that results in the total loss of hair. While not life threatening, alopecia can have a devastating psychological effect on its victims, as they struggle with the pain of feeling “different.” Tresses for Princesses sells hair that's donated and uses the funds to buy medical wigs for little girls who are suffering from alopecia. I have both a friend and a relative who have alopecia and I've been excited to do this for some years now. This gorgeous picture below is of two sisters where one has been growing her hair to make a wig for her sister.
But - in the past couple of days I've sucked up the courage with thanks to words of wisdom from my fabulous cousin Kate and a very inspiring friend Kylie who have both shaved their heads to completely go the full shave in efforts to fundraise for some very worthy charities. My goal - to raise $10,000 total to be split amongst the following three charities:
- http://www.ovariancancer.net.au/ - Ovarian Cancer
- http://www.canteen.org.au/ - CanTeen
- http://accf.org.au/ - Cervical Cancer
So - here's what I'm asking, and I hope you can email me and let me know if you're prepared to make a pledge for a donation.
- Any donation will get a tax invoice from the oganisation and be fully tax deductible
- Any donation over $50 and you can specify which of the above three organisations you want your donation to go to (otherwise I'll just split the funds evenly)
- If you make a donation of $100 or more, I'll send you a copy of my book to say thank you - http://blog.kirstydunphey.com/p/retired-at-27-if-i-can-do-it-anyone-can.html and I'll list your details in a blog post on all of this on my website as a thank you
- If you make a donation of $500 or more, I'll forward it on to any cancer related charity of your choice - and again organise you a tax invoice
- If you donate $1000 or more you can come and chop off one my pony tails (I have a LOT of hair!)
- Once I raise $10,000 I will swallow the considerable pride I have in having long thick hair and the part of the identity that's linked to that and will shave my head
- I won't ask you to donate anything until I get the $10,000 raised - all I want you to do is pledge your donation until then
- I'll video my little head shave and share it with you all
The below pic (courtesy of Alan Moyle) is what my hair is like now (ish - perhaps not as glam!) and I promise to get some happy snaps of me with my bald (and no doubt cold!) head once I've gone the big shave.

Now if you're happy to pledge some funds just email me kirsty [at] kirstydunphey.com and let me know what you would like to donate.
Oh yeah - my goal is to raise the funds in a month? Eep - let's see how I go.
Thanks for your time and support and, if you think it's appropriate, for sharing this blog with your networks.
scared and excited,
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