Thursday, February 28, 2008

Can You Remove The Sticker?

Buying yet another pair of pink shoes this weekend (my name is Kirsty and I have a shoe problem) I was delighted to see something so simple and yet so nice.

As the young male salesperson packed up my shoes, he made sure he removed the price and sale stickers from underneath each one.

It took him less than 15 seconds and yet it was pure gold to me. He didn’t just remove a sticker, he removed potential embarrassment for me. If you’re anything like me – you’re more excited at wearing the shoes than thinking about the underside of them. I know I’ve walked out of the house numerous times with the price showing on my shoe (only marginally less embarrassing than leaving the price on a birthday gift!).

Well done gentleman from Betts, Hobart CBD. If it’s a company policy of Betts – even better.

I’ve bought (sadly, literally) hundreds of pairs of shoes (this week – ok not quite) but I can’t remember ever having this done for me in the past. How simple and easy was it for them to make my day just by anticipating a need I didn’t even know I had?

Before your business runs out and spends the big bucks on that new billboard, the new marketing campaign or on that new software system – take a little look at the basics and see if you can find a way to “remove the sticker” in your business.

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By Kirsty Dunphey with No comments


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